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Beeminding since 2024-06-30
shutdown-electronics: Shut off devices by 9:30PM
house-chores: Do 15 minutes of house chores: 2pt for groceries everything else 1pt
finance: At least 10 minutes spent on finance
drink-water: Drink 80 fl. oz. of water
pj-before-snooze: Put on pajamas before snoozing
gratitude-journaling: Wake up & read journal || write gratitude journal in evening
grat-before-snooze: Read gratitiude journal before snoozing
schedule-to-dos: Complete 4 to-do lists in schedule
bathroom-maintenance: Replace towel, recycle, refill soap
three-meals: Eat three meals a day
no-youtube: No YouTube before 12PM
limit-youtube: Keep YouTube to Only 1 Hour if Watching Before 6PM