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Beeminding since 2014-11-05
Reads, blogs, games, crochets
onechore: No matter how bad the day is, you can do one chore
writethosereviews: Are they all up to date? If yes, +1. If not, write them reviews!
ironandoj: Orange juice and iron supplement, every other day
serialreader: Read at least one serial from Serial Reader per day
recycling: Take the recycling out
2025reading: 2025 reading goal go!
teeth: Brush teeth in the MORNING as well, geez
lunch: Eat something for lunch, NOT just a snack
check-in-amy: Checking in with Amy via Whatsapp, every day
snackattack: No snacks after 9pm, unless something went wrong with dinner
2025pages: Reading goal in pages
stopbyseven: Finish working on Beeminder goals by 7. No peeking!
weeklyfocusfinder: Set up a WFF, preferably on Monday: 3-5 must-dos, 3-5 should-dos, 3-5 nice-to-dos
cpapreminder: Remind Lisa to clean their CPAP mask & tubing; if they don't, add 1/7 to bump to next day
bsupport: Beeminder Hours
reachout: Contact friends or family I didn't routinely contact before
gratitude: Gratitude time: https://forum.beeminder.com/t/gratitude-journaling-together/6558
freshdocs: Each day, look over, tweak and freshen the oldest unedited help doc
freshsupport: Each day, look over, tweak and freshen the oldest unedited support doc
bibliophibianorbust: Post to my blog 3x a week
breakfast: Eating a morning meal with fibre, like cereal, or other good stuff like yoghurt
fatebook: Trying this thing out
dishwasher: Put stuff into the dishwasher or take stuff out of the dishwasher, and run it if it's full
inhaler: Two doses in the morning, two doses at night
fates: Finish DT shared FATEs / get 10,000 FATEs achievement
micronutrients: Take my vit c, magnesium, zinc, b complex & omega 3
weeklyreview: Weekly review: https://forum.beeminder.com/t/shanaqui-s-beeminder-journal-2025/12102
earning: Combined earnings from all sources, daily
newmonthresolution: Creating 12 goals in 2025, one per month https://forum.beeminder.com/t/new-months-resolutions-2025/12082
inactive: Based on Oura's "inactivity" metric
blogcomments: Reply to all blog comments
steamdeck: Actually use my Steam Deck!
bicolorgemstones: Getting enough bicolor gemstone vouchers for the cute mount, to start
yoghurts: Eat a live culture yoghurt every day
amslergrid: Checking my eyes every week for any visual disturbance
feedbackzeroes: No feedback older than 7 days uncategorised
tody: All Tody tasks done for the day
shoppingreminder: Remind Lisa & write shopping list; if Lisa still doesn't, add 1/7 to bump to next day
steps: Meeting my baseline goal each day, maybe bumping it up over time!
libraryfeb12: Reading the library books from February 12th 2025
fastfood: 1 if kfc, mcdonald's, burger king or taco bell instead of cooking
postcrossingtasks: For completing my Postcrossing tasks each day
timeforme: Make time for reading!
healthcheck: Check on the symptom, but ONLY when this goal is due: +1 when on-schedule, -1 when outside schedule
esomeprazole: Take maintenance dose daily (1 or 2 x 20mg)
slackoff: Switch off at 6:30pm: +1 when I switch it off, -0 if I turn it on again
gotwheels: To make sure I use my new bike, Ruoye the Raleigh
2025backlog: Reading books from my backlog in 2025: books count if purchased before 2025 began
toberead: Whittling down the TBR
minions: Beeminding my minions!
clockoff: Cap my work hours at 7.5/day
2025books: Minding the books bought/acquired this year
readreadread: Pages goal linked with StoryGraph