+26 due
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This goal has the following fine print specified by scarabaea:

This goal is supposed to motivate me to put in more focused work on my post-doc research in the earlier parts of the day.
The data feeds from three goals that receive datapoints from tagtime. As a result, a ping before 2pm is worth x3, a ping between 2-6 pm is worth x2, and a ping after 6 pm is worth x1.
The pings are currently set to 15 mins. If I ever get too annoyed with the quantity of pings and decide to switch to the standard 45-min interval, I will multiply this graph by 1/3.
Explanation for 30 units/day:
I attempt to put in at least 4 hours of focused work on my post-doc project a day, with weekends off. A good direction that I strive for right now is to have put in at least 1.5 hours by lunch (=2 pm), at least 3 by dinner (=6 pm) and at least 4 by bedtime. The goal is to make this more "morning-heavy". 1.5 hours/ 15 min * 3 + 1.5 hours / 15 min * 2 + 1 hour / 15 min * 1 = 34. I am rounding that down to 30/day to be able to build in some leeway, e.g. for days with academic events, conference presentations, etc., when I am still working on my project (absolutely counts to my total time goal) but not using tagtime to measure it.