-3 due
or pay $5*
0.9 per day. 2 respite. Max blue/2. As per Hameed.

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This goal has the following fine print specified by pyng:

## top foods
- water
- tea
- all non-starchy culinary veg (including botanically fruit)
- legumes
- eggs
- Greek and Kefir yoghurt (up to 200g)
- cheese (up to 100g)
- non-dairy milk
- tofu
- olive oil
- nuts (up to one handful)
- seeds (up to two handfuls)

## secondary foods
- low-sugar and medium-sugar fruit
- other dairy (whole milk up to 100ml, cream up to 2tbsp, butter up to 2tbps)
- pesto

## minimise foods (now)
- alcohol (already on it)
- all sugary foods (already on it)
- all refined carbs (already on it)
- carbs w/ fat (already on it)
- crisps & chips (already on it)
- ready meals (already on it)
- all bread
- all pasta
- couscous
- noodles
- baked goods (biscuits, cakes, etc.)
- pizza
- pastry & pasties
- high-sugar fruits (including banana, mango, grapes, and pineapple)
- processed foods
- strange ingredients
- artificial sweeteners
- “hunger in a portion”
- potatoes
- grapes
- rice
- anything labelled low-fat or lite (except Flora light spread??)
- (deep) fried foods