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Beeminding since 2021-06-10
fitbitwater: 100 cups weekly
laundry: 15 loads of laundry, dishes, lawn weekly
longwalks: 4 long walks weekly
nicowhiff: 12 pure Nico sessions weekly
complicenicostudies: 3 weekly hrs Nico Studies & Chores
gradeditems: 300 weekly total graded items + categorized emails
writing: 1000 words a week of writing--creative, rank, book reviews
sustainability: Make one choice that is more sustainable environmentally or financially
43iou: clear out IOUs (no longer 43)
runkeeper: 5k every day
renact: one act of ren each day
flex: strength and flexibility rounds/cycles
futuredom: take care of future me with the less-desirable choices
unmaskingai: chapters
deeputopia: book for CHOICE
fitbitfit: 87.5k steps weekly
pocketarticles: 20 pockets weekly
trinutrients: 35 food points weekly; 1.5 for all vegetarian meals, 1.5 for <70g protein, 1.5 for <2000mg NA, 1.5 for rocking water and veggies
compliceltwork: 5 LTWORK hours weekly
complicerank: 4 wkly hrs of Rank Application Work
workarticles: 2 weekly work articles (magazines, audio stories, Pockets) relevant to work each day
cainspider: Sober day
vbzen: 60 min/day vinyl books zen
storygraphbooktotal: book count
fa23dailycourses: course content for each day--goal is to always be a week or more ahead
cleanemails: take care of saved emails
fitbitactive: 10 active hours weekly
rating: 30 stars weekly
vinylheaven: 11 album sides weekly
tearsofthedragon: Do one action that I want to avoid each day
bostonconfucianism: read sections until complete
complicelearning: 15 learning (7) hours weekly
storygraph: 350 pages on storygraph weekly
artiecraft: 12 pure sessions with Artie weekly
trydeepworkdom: deep work sessions (not pomodoros)--20 hrs/wk
memorablexpboys: memorable experiences for boys
dietmeals: 2 healthy (for me) meals a day
moonwalkeinstein: read for mcnair student
nexusharari: section by section
courseracourses: complete a course each month
littlehistoryphilo: for 101
compliceartiereads: 3 hrs weekly Artie reading time
progdirlearn: 2 hrs weekly learning as program director
complicefamily: 25 FAMILY hours weekly; quality family time, incl. Jess relatives but not priantis (friends)
artteachphilosophy: selection by selection
gelvenbtcommentary: read sections until complete
duoitaliano: 250 XP weekly
allisonkant: sections of Allison's Kant's Transcendental Idealism
gaiersuicide: Read Robyn's book!
introtopheno: 2 weekly sections of Intro to Phenomenology
beingintheworld: read sections until complete
lovedonesday: spent a day with loved ones (vacation, travel)
compliceweeklyreview: Complice Weekly Review
albumfriends: listen to an album with Mikey or someone else
complicegrade: 4 hrs GRADE weekly; if nothing to grade, build assessments
complicerewire: 20 REWIRE tasks completed weekly
complicezen: 7 ZEN hours weekly
hopwogaps: 1 chapters weekly reading the History of Philosophy without any Gaps
complicesit: Sitting Meditation (keyword "sit")
intentions: Complice Intentions
pragmaticturn: read Bernstein's book (now section-by-section)
complicecomplete: 300 Completed Complice Tasks weekly
outcomes: Complice Outcomes
complicestarred: 50 starred tasks weekly; most important or stressful
compliceworkdaily: 60 hours of WORK weekly
kingbt: read
compercent-complete: 450% accumulated weekly
100vms: 100 VMs of work each week outside of classes
compliceprifriends: 4 hrs FRIENDS weekly
1980horrormovies: Before I turn 50! Movies must (1) tie to philosophy, and (2) be worth promoting. I'll start with movies from 2023, and can add an additional one every time I watch a new one.
complicejunzi: 15 LEAD hours weekly
compliceorganize: 10 organizational (4) hours weekly
complicechores: 10 hrs CHORES weekly
complicecoursedev: 10 hrs developing (2) courses weekly
compliceprogdir: Program Director; 10 hrs weekly
soulsofchina: Read
compquarterlyreview: Complice Quarterly Review
compmonthlyreview: Complice Monthly Review
bigmyth: listen to chapters until complete
compliceemails: 10 hrs st/em/pock (5) weekly
opensociety: Chapter of Open Society and Its Enemies
convexmirror: read and review A Convex Mirror