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Live wisely

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This goal gets its data automatically from IFTTT.

This goal has the following fine print specified by d20diceman:

This combines my EatFrogs, Sleep, Tidy, Intend and Ritual goals.

The 6 MetaBees, each combine several less Bees. There's one for each D&D stat (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA). This is Wisdom.

The values are tuned such that each of the 5 goals should give me 1 point per week if I'm staying on track.

I aim to tick a difficult task off my to-do list once per month, get 57 'sleep points' per week for good sleep habits, perform my daily rituals (one for starting my day, one for winding down and going to bed) 5 times each per week, get my room clean and tidy twice per week, and spend at least one day a week making intentional use of my time via a 'Doing List'. This shakes out to:

EatFrogs = 4 points for ticking off a task
Sleep = 1/57th of Sleep Score per day
Ritual = 0.1 point per Ritual
Tidy = 0.5 points for tidying my room
Intend = 1 point per day spent using the Doing List
Wisdom is also harmed by lies:
Lies = -0.1 points per "lie" (as in entering data for stuff I haven't done yet but will catch up on)

Keeping up with each goal gives me 5 points per week. Target is 6 per week, meaning I have to go beyond the minimum on some goals.