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This goal gets its data automatically from IFTTT.

This goal has the following fine print specified by d20diceman:

This combines my Cardio, Weights and Climbing goals into one. Yoga was previously here but has been moved to CON.

I'm creating 6 MetaBees, each combining 4 different Bees. The first was DEX. This is the second, STR.

The values are tuned such that each of the 3 goals should give me 1 point per day if I'm staying on track.

I aim to go to do weights 3 times per week, 500 cals of cardio per day, and climbing every other week. This shakes out to:
Lift = 2.333 points per session
Climb = 14 points per session
Cardio = 0.002 points per calorie
(these will need to be tweaked in future as my goals change)

Once I'm comfortable that this logging is working and the goals are stable, I'll ratchet this goal and set a target rate for it slightly above 3/day, which means I'll have to do more than the bare minimums on these goals.

As of 16/07 I'm cancelling my gym membership, as it's bought nought but misery, and adjusting this goal down a little.