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brennanbrown's archive
Beeminding since 2015-09-14
28-years-old 🇨🇦 I write about self-development on a little blog, English Honours Major @MRU
blogging_archive: 📝 Tracking posts I publish per month to encourage me to write publicly more often.
books: 📚 (Deprecated) Tracking what I read to encourage me to be more literary and remember what I've read.
chess_archive: ♟️ Tracking the games of chess I play in order to improve my performance!
clozemaster_archive: 💬 Tracking points I gain on ClozeMaster to encourage my language learning in French.
collection: Tracking interesting stuff that I find in various places to better curate my interests.
courses: 🏫 Tracking courses I complete to encourage me to learn new things often.
daily: Tracking my daily check-ins to Beeminder to ensure my other systems are being managed properly, and to reflect on any changes that might need to be made.
derail_archive: 📉 (Meta) Tracking the amount of non-legit derails that occur, so I pay a "restocking fee".
distraction_archive: ❌ Tracking the number hours of distracting (unproductive) time I've had per day to encourage me to not neglect what's important.
fitness_archive: 🏃 Tracking the steps I take per day in order to improve my overall fitness
foodlog: 🍎 Tracking the meals I eat to be more mindful of my diet and nutrition.
french_archive: 🇫🇷 Tracking XP I gain on Duolingo to encourage my language learning in French.
github_archive: 💻 Tracking commits I push to Github to encourage me to publicly code more often.
gratitude_archive: 🙏 Tracking things that I'm grateful for to increase my overall happiness.
japanese: 🇯🇵 Tracking XP I earn on Duolingo to encourage my language learning in Japanese!
jobs_archive: 👔 Tracking the jobs that I apply for to encourage me to be diligent in creating a good career for myself.
journalbar: 📰 Tracking weekly updates I post to the Beeminder forum and my Jekyll blog to record my progress on Beeminder and in my life. (https://journal.kim/)
learning: 🎓 Tracking the amount of hours I spend working on educational materials to improve my knowledge!
meditation_archive: 🧘 Tracking the minutes I meditate to help encourage my mindfulness.
meta: 🔁 Tracking the amount of Beeminder data points I add daily to keep myself meta-accountable!
morning-pages: ✍️ Tracking my morning writing to me to start the day with intentional action.
nutrition: 🍎 Tracking the net calories I consume to be more mindful of my diet and health.
photos_archive: 📷 Tracking the photos I share on Instagram to encourage my hobby of photography.
pocket: Tracking the number of items I have in my Pocket reading list.
poetry_archive: 🖊 Tracking my poetry uploads to encourage me to post more often.
prayer: 📿 Tracking the times when I pray to help me concentrate on my spirituality.
productivity_archive: ✅ Tracking productive time I've accomplished per day to encourage me to do what's important.
sleep_archive: 😴 Tracking the hours I sleep per night to improve my overall sleep hygiene.
spending: 💸 Tracking the amount I spend per day to help me stay frugal and save money.
tweets_archive: 🐦 Tracking tweets I post as a way to record daily thoughts and progress.
typing: 🏎️ Tracking the number of typing games I play to improve my average WPM!
weight-check: 🕰️ Tracking the act of weighing myself daily in order to increase consistency and data input.
weight_archive: ⚖️ Tracking the (supposedly problematic) metric of body weight as a way to improve my long-term health!
writing_archive: ✏️ Tracking my daily writing to encourage ideation and consistent work.
Active goals