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Beeminding since 2022-01-04
anki: Do all my Anki repetitions daily-ish
read: Read 20 undistracted minutes per day on average (books on paper, magazines, kindles count – blogs don't)
vitamins: Take vitamins daily-ish
exercise: At least 90 minutes of endurance exercise per week
weigh-in: Get on my scale daily-ish
floss: Floss daily-ish
exercise-times: Exercise at least three times a week
run: Run at least once per week
write: Write at leas 150 words every day
read-daily: Read most days
budget: Update actual budget once a week
weekly: Do a weekly review every week
master-thesis: Work on master's thesis
gym: Go to the gym at least once a week
budget-monthly: Do the monthly budget review