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Beeminding since 2012-02-05
fruitveg: Food Intake: Fruit and Vegetables
clutterbox: items removed from one of the clutter boxes, or added to them when taken from a place where they shouldn't be
calf_massage: sessions of calf massages where 1 is a session on both legs
meditation: Does not include any time doing sleep meditations from apps, nor 4-7-8 breathing.
bed_time_good: Days on which I was in bed by 21:15 and didn't use electronics at all after that time except audiobooks or reading or crosswords or looking at my goals.
journal_meaningfully: Days on which I spent at least 2 minutes writing in my journal after 4 pm.
laptop_at_desk_only: Days on which I did not use my laptop anywhere except on a desk with an external screen. Exceptions: if using instructions such as recipes.
autofocus: days on which I did at least one pom following autofocus rules
fragments_home: unfinished tasks - rate indicates number of tasks, datapoints that indicate when I have worked on them / finished them
aerobic: cardio exercise as defined in fine print
water: Food Intake: Water (ml)
laptop_close: Days on which I stopped using thisbe at 7pm, excluding legitimate on-call work.
hobbies: Days on which I have spent at least 5 minutes on a craft hobby: needlework, zentangles, colouring.
calcium: Food Intake: Calcium (1500mg per day)
pomadayyo: Poms per day, where each is at least 15 minutes and at most 25 minutes (no upper limit if I am on a call).
good_breaks: Each break involves an exercise or stretch (not just toe touches). Extra points for related healthy actions at lunch and at end of work day.
friends: communicate with online friends that I don't have other reasons to talk to
smug_morning_routine: Days on which I am satisfied with my peformance of my morning routine.
bed_sense: nights on which I did only sensible e-actions in bed
rate-improvement: Improve the rate of all appropriate goals or create new goals. Making a significant decrease to a safety buffer counts for one datapoint.
end_start_day: days on which I finished start-day.bash within 10 minutes
wash_dishes_at_night: 1 for washing dishes at night. Only rinsing and stacking gives 0.5 (or 1 if there is honestly no point washing due to tiny volume).
fragments_work: unfinished tasks - rate indicates number of tasks, datapoints that indicate when I have worked on them / finished them
inboxes: Each point is one empty inbox from the list stored in inboxes.bash and Tasker Inboxes.
self_worth_list: Add one datapoint when I take one or more actions and/or do one or more updates on my self-worth list (one datapoint per session working on the list).
brush_teeth: 1 point for brushing my teeth in the morning sensibly soon after eating and 1 point for brushing my teeth at night
outofbed: days on which I get out of bed 15 minutes after deciding to stop trying to sleep
merge_into_tw_and_zk: Merge all CITEC tasks into autofocus and all my notes into the wiki or zettels or a subdirectory under cdz. Deleting task and notes counts.
taskratchet: tasks added to TaskRatchet
big_toe_calf_stretch: Big toe stretched up, knee forward to feel stretch in back of calf and arch of foot. One set is holding for 3-5 minutes on each leg.