mimercha/review: is archived
Meditating and Reviews

This goal has the following fine print specified by mimercha:

Plan and Track for 35 days +/- 5
Planning has to be the night before
Tracking needs to be done thrice per day (morning, afternoon, evening)
1 point for the day (no fancy stuff)

Rule: Can only update "Tracked" values 24 hours in past. If full day was not tracked (minus implied sleep time), track doesn't count.

Standard Beeminding goal: Keep 7 day buffer

The goal of this is to force me to continuously be introspective about the days work and to plan on the coming days. Ultimately, this is the process improvement goal.

0.5 Points - Planning for the day
0.5 Points - Tracking the days activities
0.5 Points - Reviewing the days activities
3 Points - Planning the weeks activities
1 Point - Reviewing the weeks activities
1 Point - Using a meditation/self-improvement tool 1hr in the day. ie. EQ 2.0, Dale Carnegie, etc. (cap of 1 / day)

Long term planning
End of July- 5 points / week
End of August - 5 points / week, consistent
End of September - 10 points / week
End of October - 10 points / week, consistent
End of November - 15 points / week
End of December - 15 points / week, consistent