Intend's logo with bees flying out of it

The Ultimate Goal-tracking Package

(Complice is now Intend)

Which are you most familiar with?

You may have noticed that while Beeminder excels at tracking goals with an obvious numerical progress metric, it's harder for goals where you need to do something different every day. Intend fills in this gap and helps you figure out what to do each day towards each of your goals. It also has built-in systems for doing regular strategic reflection (which you can beemind to make sure you do them!).

If you're already familiar with Beeminder, the best way to get started with Intend is to make an account and then use Beeminder to commit to using Intend every day during your trial period. That'll ensure you get into the habit of daily check-ins.

Sign up for Intend

Beeminder is for quantifiable, graphable, usually long-term goals. It focuses on ongoing metrics like time spent working, pages read, words written, or tasks completed. (It's also good for fitness goals like steps, calories, weight, hours of sleep, etc.)

What really makes Beeminder unique though, is adding an explicit commitment device to your Quantified Self data. You literally enter a payment method and agree to get charged money if your datapoints cross a Bright Red Line on a path to your goal. If that sounds scary, you may be highly motivated to stay on track.

As a Intend user the best way to get started with Beeminder is to pick a metric based on your Intend usage, like pomodoros completed or tasks completed. That can be set up from within Intend as long as you've created a Beeminder account:

Link Intend & Beeminder

(Don't worry if you don't have a Beeminder account yet. This button will give you a chance to create (or log into) a Beeminder account.)