Beeminder is a powerful tool for serious people (who like bee puns).
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the number of things you want to do, but underwhelmed by the number of things you're actually doing, Beeminder can help! We turn ambitious goals into achievable daily commitments, and then we make sure you stick to them.

You pledge money to stay on track toward your goals, and each time you go off track you pay up. It's like a tax on over-indulgence (or under-indulgence).
We can help you with anything from getting in shape to learning a new language, to completing a thesis, or just getting in touch with your friends more.
Some of our personal favorite goals include:

Ready Newbee?
(Already got an account? Log In.)
One little thing first, though: you need to register for Beeminder. After you register, you'll come back here to enter your Humble Bundle key and get your free Honey Money
What is Honey Money, you ask? It's store credit at Beeminder. You can use it to pay for derails, or you can spend it on a premium plan (though you can do plenty of beeminding on the free plan too!)